Ragnarok was started by three tenacious partners who had previously worked together to help grow and manage a small IT services company. Upon it’s sale, they quickly realized they missed the comradery that comes from working together on a shared vision. Established in 2015, Ragnarok began supporting its first customer in early 2016 and has quickly grown into the thriving small business it is today.
Over a thousand years ago, Vikings foretold the story of an epic battle. The mythological event, known as RAGNAROK (rag-nuh-rok), results in the land sinking into the sea but goes on to say it rises again and is rebuilt into an earth more lush and fruitful than before. Ragnarok Technologies is our opportunity to build anew and we know it will require the support and skill-sets of a collaborative team. In doing so, we will take the best aspects of our collective past and forge them into one.
“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.”
― Patrick Lencioni